八王子市/Hachioji City
- 自治体(location) : 八王子市/Hachioji City
- 期間(duration) : May 2017-August 2019
- 対象分野(policy area) : がん検診受診率向上/Preventive healthcare (Cancer Screening: colon cancer)
- 資金提供団体(investors) : 社会的投資推進財団(みずほ銀行)、デジサーチ *みずほ銀行(Mizuho Bank)はSIIFに資金拠出(寄付)
- 形態(structure) : Investment? Maximum payment from City is amount to JPY9,762,000. The size is quite small and the payment model ( return for investors) is unclear. Mizuho Bank is not an investor but a donor.